Freelance client, contract template, management software


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A freelance client refers to an individual, organization, or business that engages the services of a freelance professional for a specific project or ongoing work. As a freelance professional, acquiring and maintaining clients is crucial for building a successful freelance career. Here are some key aspects to understand about freelance clients:

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1- Client Acquisition:

  • Networking is attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and actively engaging with potential clients in order to make relationships and create leads.
    Encourage pleased customers to suggest your services to others. Word-of-mouth referrals may be quite effective in recruiting new clients.
  • Online networks: Showcase your expertise, bid on tasks, and interact with possible clients by using freelancing markets, job boards, and social networking networks.
    Direct marketing entails developing a quality website, establishing a strong online presence through social media, and employing focused marketing methods to reach your target consumer group.

2- Client Relationships:

  • Maintain open lines of contact with clients using multiple channels such as email, phone conversations, or project management software. Respond to queries quickly and professionally, and offer regular updates on project progress.
  • Understanding the Needs of the Client: Take the time to fully comprehend your client’s objectives, expectations, and project specifications. Ask questions, explain any doubts, and verify that everyone is on the same page about the intended goals.
  • Expectations Management: Make it clear what you can and cannot deliver within the agreed-upon timetable and budget. Set realistic expectations to avoid misunderstandings and to foster client trust.
  • Work of High Quality: Deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds customer expectations on a consistent basis. Pay close attention to detail, follow project instructions, and aim for quality in all aspects of your freelancing work.

3- Project Scope and Contracts:

  • Written Contracts: In a written contract or agreement, clearly specify the project scope, deliverables, deadline, payment conditions, and any other important elements. This protects both you and the customer and helps to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Scope Management entails communicating with the customer on a regular basis to ensure that the project stays within the agreed-upon scope. Address any adjustments or scope creep as soon as possible, and address the implications for deadlines and costs.

4- Communication and Collaboration:

  • Maintain clear and concise contact with customers to understand their needs, offer updates, and resolve any issues or problems that may emerge during the project.
  • Collaboration Tools: To encourage smooth communication and expedite project workflows, use project management tools, cloud-based document sharing platforms, or other collaborative software.

5- Payment and Invoicing:

  • Rates and Payment conditions: Before beginning the job, discuss and agree on rates and payment conditions with the customer. Take into account project intricacy, your level of skill, and market pricing.
  • Invoicing: Professional and precise invoices that clearly define the service accomplished, payment due date, and chosen payment methods should be issued. Follow up on any past-due payments in a timely and professional manner.

6- Client Satisfaction and Reviews:

  • surpass Expectations: Strive to surpass client expectations by offering quality work, excellent customer service, and going above and beyond to ensure client happiness.
  • Client comments and Reviews: Encourage clients to submit comments on their working experience with you. Positive feedback and testimonials can help you build your freelancing reputation and attract new clients.

Freelance client contract template

I can give you a general sketch of what a freelancing client contract would entail. It is important to seek the advice of a legal practitioner or to utilize dependable contract templates that are unique to your area and adapted to your individual needs. Consider the following generic structure:

1- Introduction:

  • Date: The date on which the contract is created.
  • Parties: The freelancer’s (referred to as the “Provider”) and client’s (referred to as the “Client”) names and contact information.

2- Scope of Work:

  • Project explanation: A full explanation of the freelancer’s project or services.
  • Specify the exact deliverables or milestones to be met as part of the project.
  • Timeline: The start date of the project, the estimated length, and any major milestones or deadlines.
  • Revisions: Specify the number of revisions covered, as well as any additional fees for further revisions or modifications to the initial scope of work.

3- Payment Terms:

  • Compensation: The charge or rate agreed upon for the job or services.
  • Payment plan: Specify the payment plan, including any needed deposits or advance payments, as well as the due dates.
  • Late Payments: Mention any late payment penalties or interest costs.
  • expenditures: Indicate if the customer will pay expenditures (such as travel, materials, or software) and provide details on the reimbursement procedure.

4- Intellectual Property:

  • Ownership: Determine who will hold the intellectual property rights to the work created (for example, the freelancer or the customer).
  • Specify any usage rights provided to the customer, such as the permission to utilize the work for certain purposes or in specific mediums.

5- Confidentiality:

Non-Disclosure: Include a language in the contract indicating that both parties promise to keep any confidential information exchanged throughout the project confidential and not reveal it to third parties.

6- Termination Clause:

Describe the circumstances under which any party may terminate the agreement, as well as the requisite notice time.

7- Work Ownership:

Specify who owns the work performed up to the termination date.

8- Resolution of Disputes:

Before taking legal action, outline your preferred means of settling issues, such as mediation or arbitration.

9- The following laws apply:

Specify the contract’s jurisdiction and the applicable laws.

10- Severability:

Make it clear that if any section of the contract is deemed unenforceable, the other clauses will continue in effect.
Declare that the contract contains the parties’ whole agreement, replacing all earlier agreements or understandings.

What to do when a freelance client doesn’t pay

When a freelance client doesn’t pay, there are several steps you can take to address the situation. These include communicating with the client, sending a reminder, following up with additional communications, reminding the client of late payment penalties, negotiating a resolution, seeking legal assistance, protecting your reputation, and assessing the financial stability and credibility of potential clients before entering into an agreement.

Communicating with the client is key to minimizing the risk of non-payment in the future, so it is important to clearly define payment terms, use written contracts, and consider requesting partial upfront payments or deposits for larger projects. Regularly assessing the financial stability and credibility of potential clients before entering into an agreement is also important.

Freelance client onboarding

The process of welcoming and initiating a new customer into your freelancing business is referred to as freelance client onboarding. It entails defining expectations, acquiring relevant information, and laying the groundwork for a fruitful working partnership. Here are some important factors to consider for successful freelancing client onboarding:

1- Introduction and Welcome:

  • Send a kind and professional welcome note to your new customer, indicating your want to collaborate.
  • Give a brief introduction, emphasizing your skills, experience, and any applicable certifications.
  • Thank the customer for hiring you and assure them of your dedication to their job.

2- Project Kickoff Meeting:

  • Set up a launch meeting to go through project specifics, goals, and expectations.
  • Clarify the scope of the project, deliverables, dates, and any special requirements or preferences.
  • Discuss communication channels, preferred technologies, and a mutually convenient meeting or progress update schedule.

3- Contract and Terms:

  • Share a contract or agreement defining your working relationship’s terms and circumstances.
  • Include information such as the project scope, payment conditions, deadlines, work ownership, confidentiality, and conflict resolution.
  • Explain the contract in detail and address any questions or concerns the customer may have.

4- Information Gathering:

  • Collect the essential information from the customer to ensure the seamless implementation of the project.
  • Request access to any relevant project files, assets, or systems.
  • Collect contact information, including principal points of contact and other project stakeholders.

5- Project Planning and Documentation:

  • Create a project plan or overview that details important milestones, deliverables, and deadlines.
  • To establish alignment and to gain input or comments, share the project plan with the customer.
  • Create a mechanism for monitoring project progress, such as project management software or shared documents.

6- Communication and Collaboration:

  • Set explicit communication expectations, including preferred methods of communication and response timeframes.
  • Discuss the structure and frequency of progress reports or check-ins.
  • Establish criteria for arranging meetings or calls and share your availability.

7- Payment Setup:

  • With the client, go through payment terms, methods, and invoice data.
  • Establish a payment plan and verify that the customer has the essential information to make timely payments.
  • Address the client’s individual invoicing requirements or preferences.

8- Follow-Up and Confirmation:

  • Send a follow-up email that summarizes the important topics covered throughout the onboarding process.
  • Ascertain that all relevant information has been obtained and comprehended.
  • Reiterate your dedication to producing high-quality work and exceeding the client’s expectations.

Freelance client management software


There are several freelance client management software options available that can help you streamline your client management processes, track projects, and stay organized. These include Trello, Asana,, Harvest, Hub staff, 17hats, and Dubs ado. Trello is a visual project management tool that allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to organize your tasks and projects. Asana is a comprehensive project management software that enables you to manage tasks, track progress, and communicate with clients. is a flexible project management platform that allows you to create custom workflows, assign tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with clients.

Harvest is a time tracking and invoicing tool that helps you monitor your work hours, track project expenses, and generate professional invoices. Hub staff is a time tracking and productivity tool that allows you to track your work hours, monitor activity levels, and generate detailed reports. 17hats is a comprehensive client management software designed specifically for freelancers and small businesses. Dubs ado is a client management and CRM software that helps you streamline your workflows, manage projects, send invoices, and track client communication.

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3 thoughts on “Freelance client, contract template, management software”

  1. ahhh..
    This post was super helpful! As someone just starting out in freelancing, I was a bit overwhelmed by the idea of acquiring and maintaining clients. The tips on networking and client management software were especially useful. Thanks for sharing!

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