Piwik is a free and open-source web analytics software that enables you to track and examine the behaviour of visitors to your website. It’s a substitute for Google Analytics that allows you to store your data on your own servers and provides you complete control over it. Here are the steps to install Piwik and get your website’s analytics tracking going:
Step 1: Download and install Piwik:
From the official website, https://matomo.org/, you may download Piwik. Installing Piwik on your own server or having it hosted by Piwik are both options. If you decide to host Piwik yourself, confirm that your server satisfies Piwik’s system requirements. To finish the installation procedure after downloading Piwik, adhere to the installation instructions.
Step 2: Create a website in Piwik:
After installation, go your Piwik dashboard and select the “Add a website” button to start building your website. To create a new website, enter its name, URL, and time zone, then click “Create.” A tracking code will subsequently be provided to you for your website.
Step 3: Add the tracking code to your website:
Just before the closing /head> element, copy the tracking code Piwik created for your website and paste it there. The tracking code may be added to every page of your website.
Step 4: Start tracking your website’s analytics:
Piwik will begin monitoring your website’s metrics as soon as the tracking code has been put to it. By entering into your Piwik dashboard and choosing the website you wish to visit from the dropdown menu, you can check the analytics for your website. Piwik gives you access to a variety of analytics information, such as the number of visitors, page views, bounce rate, and the average time spent on your website.
Step 5: Analyze your website’s analytics:
You may do a variety of analyses on the analytics data for your website using iwik. Analytics information for your website may be seen in real-time or over a predetermined time frame. The analytics data for your website may also be seen according to visitors, pages, activities, and goals. You may also use a variety of visualisation tools from Piwik, including graphs, charts, and tables, to analyse the analytics data for your website.
In conclusion, Piwik is a potent web analytics software that enables you to track and examine the behaviour of visitors to your website. You may install Piwik and start tracking your website’s analytics data by following the instructions shown above.